Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long.
Blooms summer to fall
36-40 In
8-10 Find your zone
Full Sun
Grow at 60-75°F. Water well allowing to dry a little in between watering. Once actively growing begin fertilizing twice a week at 200 ppm Nitrogen with 20-20-20. Pinch after two sets of leaves for better branching. Generally finish in 8-10 weeks.
Plants Per Gallon: 1
Plant in well draining professional potting soil; spread out tuberous roots within pot leaving crown just above the soil surface when watered in. Apply a broad spectrum fungicide according to directions to avoid crown and root rot.
Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
We have done our best to describe this plant as accurately as possible, however, different climates
and growing conditions in different parts of the country will affect height, bloom time, and color.