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Japanese Iris

Iris ensata 'Dinner Plate TM Ice Cream'

Periwinkle-blue flowers with white edges and reach a size of approximately 8 inches.


Bloom Time:

Blooms late spring to early summer

Mature Height:

20-24 In

Hardiness Zone:

4-9 Find your zone


Full Sun,Partial Shade

Features and Usage:

Greenhouse Growing Instructions:

Grow at 60-65° F in long days with high light conditions for flowering. Keep evenly moist to wet soil, never allow to completely dry out. Do not fertilize newly transplanted iris ensata to avoid burning the roots. Once mature they are heavy feeders and can take standing water as long as the crown remains above the water table.

Plants Per Gallon: 1

Transplanting Instructions:

Soak rhizome in water for a few hours prior to planting in rich soil with ample organic matter and an ideal pH of 5.8 - 6.8. Keep crown of plant 2-3"" below soil surface but above water line. Once planted, water well and apply a broad spectrum fungicide to avoid crown and root rot.

Homeowner Planting and Maintenance Tips:

Plant in moist to boggy soil in full sun to partially shaded location. Any damp area in the garden will be perfect for these easy plants.

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13 McFadden Rd · Easton, PA 18045  · Tel.: 1.800.78TULIP