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Click for previous Image Image 1 of 3 Trillium grandiflorum Snowy White White Wake-Robin

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White Wake-Robin

Trillium grandiflorum 'Snowy White'

Native woodland wildflower with green leaves and a slightly ruffled snowy white flower that tinges pink with age.


Bloom Time:

Blooms spring

Mature Height:

12-14 In

Hardiness Zone:

4-8 Find your zone


Full Shade,Partial Shade

Features and Usage:

Greenhouse Growing Instructions:

Grow at 50-65° F providing 50% shade, keeping plants evenly moist but never wet or completely dry. Should not require fertilizer until established in the garden. Trillium can be late to emerge and usually do not flower the first season.
Plants Per Gallon: 1
Storage Temperature Prior to Planting: 38
Cooler Humidity Prior to Planting: Low

Transplanting Instructions:

Plant in well draining organically rich soil with a neutral pH. Handle carefully, set pointy end of rhizome 2" below soil surface, spread roots downward in the pot. Once planted, water immediately to settle the soil around the roots.

Homeowner Planting and Maintenance Tips:

Plant in moist, well-drained soil in partial to full shade. Naturalizes well in a woodland setting.

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