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Blazing Star

Liatris spicata 'Kobold'

Compact variety with bright rosy-lavender flower spikes.

Also known as Gayfeather. Widely grown as a commercial cut flower, this is selected from one of our native prairie wildflowers. Plants form a low clump of grassy looking leaves, bearing spikes of bright magenta-purple flowers beginning in midsummer. This selection is compact in habit, especially useful in tubs or mixed containers. Drought tolerant. Attractive to butterflies. Clumps may be easily divided every 3 to 4 years in the spring.


Bloom Time:

Blooms mid summer to fall

Mature Height:

18-24 In

Hardiness Zone:

2-9 Find your zone


Full Sun,Partial Sun

Features and Usage:

Greenhouse Growing Instructions:

Grow at 50-65°F in high light keeping evenly moist, allow soil to dry slightly in between watering. Once actively growing fertilizer can be applied. Keep foliage dry to avoid disease. Finishes in 8-10 weeks based on growing conditions.
Plants Per Gallon: 3
Storage Temperature Prior to Planting: 28
Cooler Humidity Prior to Planting: Low

Transplanting Instructions:

Plant 3 to 5 bulbs per gallon pot in well draining professional potting soil. Place bulbs pointy side up and cover bulbs with 2" of soil. Once planted, water well and apply a broad spectrum fungicide according to directions to avoid crown and root rot.

Homeowner Planting and Maintenance Tips:

Blazing Stars are easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil. Prefers full to partial sun.

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13 McFadden Rd · Easton, PA 18045  · Tel.: 1.800.78TULIP