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Plantain Lily

Hosta 'Blue Mountains'

One of the best blue hostas with intense, attractive blue-gray puckered, heart shaped leaves with large white flowers.


Bloom Time:

Blooms summer

Mature Height:

20-32 In

Hardiness Zone:

3-9 Find your zone


Partial Sun,Full Shade

Features and Usage:

Greenhouse Growing Instructions:

Grow at 50-55° F under long days to promote root growth, keeping slightly dry between irrigations until sprouts appear. Once actively growing keep evenly moist and provide 35%-50% shade. A top dressing of slow release fertilizer can be applied taking care to keep away from the crown. Hosta generally finish in 6-8 weeks based on growing conditions.
Plants Per Gallon: 1
Storage Temperature Prior to Planting: 38
Cooler Humidity Prior to Planting: Low

Transplanting Instructions:

Plant in well draining soil. Spread roots downward in pot leaving the eyes just at the soil surface when watered in. If necessary long roots may be trimmed. Apply a broad spectrum fungicide according to directions to avoid crown and root rot.

Homeowner Planting and Maintenance Tips:

This shade loving perennial favorite is easy to grow in various soil conditions.

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13 McFadden Rd · Easton, PA 18045  · Tel.: 1.800.78TULIP