Star-like bi-color blooms with long spurs on taller stems.
Columbines have been grown in gardens for centuries, and are among the most popular of perennials. Hummingbirds will often drop in to sip nectar from the flowers. This hybrid mixture features a wide range of pastel shades and bicolor, over a compact mound of ferny light-green foliage. Excellent for cutting. Since Columbines are relatively short lived, allow some of the plants to go to seed and self sow. Leaf miners or sawfly may disfigure the leaves around flowering time. Simply trim off the ugly foliage and the plants will grow fresh leaves.
Blooms late spring to early summer
30-36 In
2-9 Find your zone
Full Sun,Partial Shade
Grow at 55-65°F, cool temps = more blooms. Keep soil evenly moist, allowing it to slightly dry between waterings. Once actively growing, a fertilizer program can begin. Deadheading to re-bloom. Plants generally finish in 8-10 weeks based on growing conditions.
Plants Per Gallon: 1
Storage Temperature Prior to Planting: 38
Cooler Humidity Prior to Planting: Low
Plant in well draining professional potting soil, keep crown of the plant at the soil surface spreading roots within the pot. Once potted, water immediately and apply a broad spectrum fungicide according to directions to avoid crown and root rot.
Plant in moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Plant will reseed itself if seed pods are left on plant.