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Upright Elephant Ear

Alocasia odora

Thick, glossy, upright foliage gives a tropical look in the garden or in containers.


Bloom Time:

Foliage plant all season

Mature Height:

48-72 In

Hardiness Zone:

8-10 Find your zone


Partial Sun,Partial Shade

Features and Usage:

Greenhouse Growing Instructions:

Grow warm at 65-75°F in high light conditions. Keep soil evenly moist, never allow to completely dry. Use bottom heat to initiate sprouting. Once actively growing a moderate fertilizer program can begin. Provide 50% shade to avoid leaf scorch.
Plants Per Gallon: 1
Storage Temperature Prior to Planting: 45-60
Cooler Humidity Prior to Planting: High

Transplanting Instructions:

Plant in professional potting soil deep enough so that the top of the bulb is 2-4" below the soil surface. Water immediately and apply a broad spectrum fungicide according to directions to avoid crown and root rot.

Homeowner Planting and Maintenance Tips:

Easy to grow in partial sun to partial shade in well drained soil.

Printed at Netherland Bulb,
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13 McFadden Rd · Easton, PA 18045  · Tel.: 1.800.78TULIP